White Caucus
The White Caucus was a virtual monthly series of sessions for white people to take part in anti-oppression work in a way that’s useful rather than destructive or distracting. We caucused to process feelings, retrain ourselves, and take action to dismantle racism and shift power to people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). This space was made for white people looking to do more than traditional “DEI training”. We encouraged individuals to integrate anti-oppression, antiracist, and pro-Black practices into their daily lives through tangible action items and long-term community-building rooted in accountability and collective justice.
Sessions were facilitated by white staff and follow the guidance of BIPOC staff for accountability.
Each quarter hosted a different series with topics that build on each other. We recommended attending all sessions in a series to get the full breadth of learnings and unlearnings, but single-session drop-ins are totally acceptable.
Sessions activities included:
- Reflection and in-depth discussion
- Readings and homework
- Community-building
- Co-creating action items
Community resources
- Healing from Internalized Whiteness Training
- CompassPoint’s Liberatory Principles and Practices for White Supervisors (2-Part Series)
- How to Plan a White Caucus Agenda by Pippi Kessler
- Roots Deeper than Whiteness by David Dean
- Seattle Works Curriculum Resources
2023 White Caucus schedule and topics
Q1: Identifying and Countering Patterns of Whiteness and White Supremacy Culture
January 18 — topic: patterns of whiteness to work on in white spaces
February 15 — countering norms of one right way, individualism, and either/or thinking
March 15 — addressing feelings of powerlessness
Q2: Pro-Blackness
April 18 — anti-Blackness, pro-Blackness, and how it shows up in us
May 16 — reparations strategies
June 20 — building restorative cultures and systems
Q3: Processing Emotions that Get Us Stuck
July 18 — moving away from operating from fear, shame, and guilt
August 15 — intent versus impact: white savior complex
September 19 — strategies for processing uncomfortable emotions
Q4: Putting It All into Action
October 10 — peer workshopping
November 14 — interrupting white silence and bringing more white people into anti-racism work
December 12 — accountability reflection: how are you taking action for racial justice, especially pro-Blackness?
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Our White Caucus cohort, which is a cohort-based series for white people in an organizational position of power to take part in anti-oppression work in a way that’s useful rather than destructive or distracting.